

Born in 1982 in Bratislava, Slovakia, Katarina initially started as a self-taught photographer. She then went on, and in 2021 graduated from the Institute of Creative Photography in Opava, Czech republic.

As for a very visual person, photography is her natural language. Some photo series like JA NE and Still looking for the summer (SL4TS) are personal and long-term projects carrying stories of her and her family. Others like Impressions or 2Dogs are projects that evolved unintentionally and out of the pure pleasure of photographing.


  • Opava Girls / Women (Mesiac fotografie / The Month of Photography, International photo festival, Bratislava, 2021)
  • 30 let ITF / 30 years of ITF (Dům umění, Opava, 2021)
  • Freedom & Silence (Café Axioma, Bratislava, 2013)
  • Živly / Elements (CC Centrum, Bratislava, 2012)
  • S láskou, Em / With love, Em (Pizzéria Maestro, Bratislava, 2012)
  • Káva naša každodenná / Everyday coffee (Coffee & Co., Laurinská, Bratislava, 2009)
  • Pohoda / Ease (Coffe&Co. Obchodná, Bratislava, 2009)
  • Domino / Domino (Café Exit, Bratislava, 2007)
  • Deti a langusta / The kids and the crawfish (Café Exit, Bratislava, 2007)
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